Monday, January 24, 2011

Homework #1

So, I'm taking this AMAZING online photography class from an AMAZING photographer named Brooke Snow. She is actually one of my AMAZING friends from college and she has developed an AMAZING talent! Here is her website if you want to check her out I am so ready to learn all I can from her. It's going to be AMAZING! :) Our first lesson was about aperture and metering. During this assignment, it was really fun to experiment and really see a difference in my photos already! I, of course, had to do at least one photo session with my favorite subject :)

f/4.5, 1/30, ISO 400
I entitle this picture... "Spit Bubbles." That's the obvious focus of the picture :) I love how clear and distinct they turned out.

f/8, 1/8, ISO 400
Her whole head is now in focus but the background is still fuzzy

f/22, 1s, ISO 400
You try getting your baby to hold still for 1 second! If she had, though, everything would have been in focus.


f/22, 1/80, ISO 400
I entitle this picture..."West Texas Sunrise." Gotta love the pump jack :) I only had to drive 3 minutes from my house to get this shot, beautiful, eh? :) Anyway, I wanted to try and capture the sun rays, like Brooke taught. It's neat to see the difference!

f/11, 1/400, ISO 400
The rays are a little less sharp

f/5.6, 1/2000, ISO 400
Here the sun and it's rays are just a blob of light

f/8, 1/3, ISO 400
I entitle this picture..."Jar-O-Beans." I thought the subject fit the theme name :) Here everything is on one plane so everything is in focus.

f/5.6, 1/4, ISO 400
The onlt difference here is that the fabric closest to the camera is out of focus

f/18, 2s, ISO 400
Nothing really too different here

So, there we have it! One question I do have, is that I noticed that my ISO never changed from 400. Do I have to change that manually, too? Thanks Brooke! Looking forward to the next lesson!