Back in September of '08, after months of research, I decided to cut out meat and dairy from my diet and focus on whole grains, organic fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. My diet has adapted a little since then, but that is still the foundation. I have not had fast food since that day and I have not purchased chicken or beef at the grocery store since that day. Also, since that day, I have not had any sicknesses, no colds, no flu, I have not had heart burn or indigestion, I have not felt so full I could burst, my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are excellent, and my body feels great ALL THE TIME! My skin has cleared up, my pant size has decreased, and menstrual cramps have almost disappeared completely. I don't have cravings for greasy, salty food anymore and my body thanks me everyday for what I feed it. That was the best decision I could have made! Despite the weird looks people gave me, despite the negative comments I received from my friends, despite what our society perceives as normal, I knew what I was doing was best for me and my health and I've never felt better. The greatest thing is, life only gets better from here :) I want to live a long life, I want to provide all the healthy nutrients to my baby when I'm pregnant, I want to raise a family that understands the importance of being good stewards over their bodies. Live beautifully and life will be beautiful.
2 years ago
That's pretty cool. Although I haven't gone to that extreme, I rarely eat meat and try to eat as much fruit and veggies too. I haven't wanted to eat at a fast food place in years. It's funny how when you give your body good food, the not-so-good food doesn't sound good anymore. I'm sure I could still learn a lot of cooking skills from you though! Miss you!
I think it's so important that we do what works best for OUR bodies. We are all so different and what works for one may not work for another, and vice versa. So good job on finding something that works so well for you! :) Congrats!
It's great to hear from you, Adrienne! Melissa, I miss you, too! Let's get together and share recipes :)
My last compagne on the mission wasn't big into meat, so I kind of lost a taste for it. Which worked out great because during Jeff's mission, he decided he wanted to be a vegetarian, kind of. We eat fish and if people serve us other meats we will eat it. Anyhow, so of course we had to up our grains and fruits and veggies and I too noticed that I felt better. I have had illness since then, maybe its the dairy. :) Anyhow, just wanted to say I agree that a healthy diet feels good.
p.s. how does your hubby feel about your diet?
That's great Alli! We're the same way with the fish and eating meat if it's offered to us at someone's house. I think the key is to eat it sparingly. And my hubby is actually the one who got me interested in learning about it in the first place! He grew up eating this way :) So that makes it way easy!
wow, good for you! i want try it...
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